All members of the University of California, Merced community are responsible for securing and respecting the general conditions conducive to a graduate student’s unique role as student, researcher, and teacher. The 'Graduate Students' Rights & Responsibilities' document is as a step toward ensuring a positive and productive environment for current and prospective graduate students. This document seeks to explicitly outline graduate students' rights and responsibilities, while respecting the rights and responsibilities of faculty and staff members alike.
When finalized, this document will be put forth the Graduate Council of the Academic Senate (composed of faculty and administrative representatives) for review and endorsement.
The first 'Graduate Students' Rights & Responsibilities' was created by graduate students, and updates continue to be led by graduate students (UCM GSAs, the Graduate Students of Color Coalition, to name a few). The 2021-2022 UCM Graduate Student Association was tasked by the Graduate Division with providing another update, this updated version is presented/linked here. The UCM GSA believes in transparency and the importance of our entire community's input. Hence, in addition to public presentation, we invite public comment and feedback on this version of the 'Graduate Students' Rights & Responsibilities'. Please submit any feedback via the form below. Feel free to keep your input anonymous.
This version will remain here until 02/28/2022, 11:59pm.
After 02/28/2022, the UCM GSA will review and incorporate all the feedback from various sources.