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Student Fees Explained

Every semester many of you pay $318.50 in campus-based fees. Maybe you have some questions, so let's break it down.


What are campus-based fees?

Campus-based fees vary by UC campus and are implemented to support student government, construction/renovation of student buildings, and supplemental funding for student services. See the UCOP site for more information.


Where does this money go to?

The fees that graduate students pay each semester support various services across the campus which includes the Recreation Center, TAPS, Early Childhood Education Center, and Health Services.  Below is the fee breakdown for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Fee Type Amount
Health Services Fee $50.00
Transportation Fee $87.50
Student Life Fee $15.00
Graduate Students Association Fee $10.00
Recreation Fee $146.00
Early Childhood Education Fee $10.00
Total $318.50


Do I have a say in how these fees are spent?

Somewhat. The Student Fee Advisory Committee (SFAC) makes recommendations for student services fee allocation, however, only retains oversight over campus-based fees. The GSA Treasurer is a representative on this committee, but we are also allowed two graduate student representatives at-large.

Members of the GSA also serve on the Referenda Fee Committee (RFC), which oversees the process of changing student fees.  Students interested in becoming part of this process should click here to learn more.

So in essence, yes, you do have a voice, we just need to fill our committees.