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Info for New Nominees

If you are seeing this page, then a peer has nominated you for a position in the GSA! 

The Executive Council is comprised of 13 graduate students working with various departments and campus administration at UC Merced to serve as a first-response to graduate student concerns as they arise.  Officers are also in charge of the general functioning of the GSA including committee assignments, budgeting and travel funding, maintaining collaborations across departments on campus, and advocating for positive student success. Want to know more about the office you were nominated for?  You can contact the officers who are currently holding those offices to learn more.  You can also read about the officer responsibilities in the GSA Bylaws.

The Delegate Assembly is comprised of 1 representative for every 50 students from each graduate or professional group at UC Merced.  As a Delegate, you will represent the interests and needs of your colleagues in your respective graduate group.  Delegates also play a major role in allocating club and organization funding and voting on proposals that govern GSA leadership. Delegates have much more flexibility in that their role can be shaped to best support their constituents as well as the rest of the graduate student body.  Want first-hand information about the Delegate position?  You can contact the current Delegate for your department or the GSA at

More information about the GSA and any of its positions can be found in the Constitution and Bylaws below.  If you have been nominated for office it is because your peers respect you and believe in you as a leader.  We hope you consider accepting your nomination to run for office this year!  To make your decision, please reply to the email sent to you with the information requested no later than April 7th.

Spring 2021 UCM GSA Constitution

Fall 2023 UCM GSA By-Laws